Why Should Over-the-Counter Medicines and Vitamins Be Available for Guests in Hotel Minibars?
June 22, 2017
Hotels that pamper their guests with quality services receive return visits and increase their profitability. One service that hotels should never overlook is fully stocked minibars that contain products that range from sweet edibles to over-the-counter or OTC medicines and vitamins. You may wonder why we recommend that the latter two items be in the minibars. We state this since it will provide convenience for your guests along with other benefits.
Keeps Guests from Leaving the Comfort of Their Room
One primary advantage of stocking OTC vitamins and medicines in a minibar is the fact that you place these items at the fingertips of your guests. As a result, they have no need to leave the comfort of their hotel room to go in search of a pharmacy to purchase their needs. Guests who are new to your city and ones returning once again to your establishment will appreciate this convenience.
Relieves the Aches and Pains of an Active Day
OTC pain medicines will relieve the aches and pains that can happen after an active day. Your guests can take one or two of them as soon as they enter their room so that they can relax while the medicine takes effect to provide relief for foot, back, head or other pain.
Helps Them Maintain Their Nutritional Routine
By offering vitamins in your minibar, you help the guests maintain their nutritional standards each day. A benefit such as this will even energise the guests for their hectic day ahead. Certain guests may need to monitor their nutrient intake closely due to medical issues and the availability of vitamins will help them do it in a quality manner.
OTC Natural Medicines Help Guests Sleep
Today, you can even add over-the-counter natural medicines to the guests that will help lull them into a safe sleep. No hangover in the morning either since these contain all-natural ingredients.
Other Benefits
You also can provide condoms and tampons to the guests in discrete packaging. While they are not OTC medicine or vitamins, they are other pharmacy-type products that guests may regularly need while staying at your hotel. No one can be certain when a romantic mood will hit or that ‘time of the month’ will occur to plan ahead for either event. Guests will be grateful for your forethought with these products.
To learn additional facts about why you need to offer over-the-counter medicines and vitamins to your guests through the hotel minibars, turn to Just in Case Direct. We provide over 100 quality minibar products including the ones above to our clients. Our company also will customise packaging to suit your branding purposes.
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