Reasons Why Hotel Minibars Should Include Healthier Snacks

January 22, 2020

Hotels and resorts are increasingly stocking minibars with healthier alternatives to traditional high-fat, high-sugar snacks. Initially, this trend has been perceived as a detrimental initiative especially to businesses in the hospitality industry. This is because in the past – minibars were mostly a collection of high-fat, sugary impulse treats like chips, cookies, sodas, plus alcoholic beverages. While those items won’t be disappearing, travellers — particularly business travellers with a hectic schedule — will notice changes for the better when it comes to in-room convenience options. Below are the reasons why hotel minibars should include healthier snacks.

Reduced Risk of Unhealthy Habits

Frequent business travellers may be at risk from unhealthy habits on the road. Statistics suggest that those who take more than 20 trips per month were more likely to suffer from obesity and other health-related issues. If hotel minibars will continue to include healthier snacks, then the guests staying with them will be offered with healthier options in their diet, thus, reducing the risk of developing unhealthy habits while on the road.

Diversified Options

Diversifying minibar options may mean organic, gluten-free, preservative-free and low-calorie, but also more local offerings or sustainable personal-care items. Healthy items can help enhance revenue for a specific property and be something to set a property apart. If you have certain items that a guest can’t get from a corner store, then your hotel will be frequently visited. Many hotels are reordering organic and low-calorie offerings, indicating that they are selling. Also, in general, the whole key to a hotel is to make you feel at home. If you eat healthy at home, if you open a minibar and see something healthy, the chance you will make a purchase goes up.

Convenience Can Be Unhealthy

Even if minibars do include healthier choices, travellers need to keep in mind that organic is not always equal to low calorie and that convenience itself can be unhealthy because it limits movement. If you only have to walk from the bed or the chair to the minibar, it’s not the same as having to walk out to a restaurant. That is why it is all the more necessary to stock up minibars with healthier snacks.

For more information on healthier choices for snacks, you can browse through Just in Case Direct to learn more about the healthier snack alternatives that you can stock up to your minibars. Feel free to look out for our other products and our company. You can place your order online or by contacting us directly. We ship in a timely fashion. We can guarantee that you will not only enjoy our products, you will also reap of its health benefits.

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