Condoms and Lubricants for Minibars: Why Hotels and Motels Should Have Them?

April 30, 2018

Guests stay at hotels and motels for a wide variety of reasons. While some are strictly there for business purposes, others are there for vacations or a romantic tryst or getaway. Those who are in your establishment for any of these reasons, though, may desire to still practice safe sex during their stay and not risk an unwanted pregnancy or STD. However, to do this they will need the right protection, namely condoms and lubricants. For this reason, you should supply these elements in your minibars if you own or manage a hotel or motel.

Guests Will Be Able to Access the Condoms and Lubricants in a Private Manner

When you add lubricants and condoms to your minibar offerings, guests will have access to them in a private manner. Some people have a difficult time feeling comfortable purchasing these items in a crowded store.

Guests Appreciate Not Having to Shop in a Strange City for Their Necessities

In addition to enjoying the private access to these elements, the guests will be thankful that they will not need to shop in a strange city to locate and purchase them. This is especially true when it is a first-time visit for them to your locale.

Guests May Not Always Plan Ahead for Sexual Encounters

You have those guests who are meticulous planners who will pack everything that they need while at your establishment, including their protection for sexual encounters. Others, though, will not think to pack such elements and be grateful that you thought of it for them.

Well-Stocked Minibars Encourage Guests to Make Return Visits

In general, minibars that provide a variety of quality items encourage guests to make return stays at your hotel or motel. As a result, your profitability will climb upwards.

Just In Case Direct Supplies Condoms and Lubricants

The reason we understand why you should supply condoms and lubricants to your guests through your minibars is that our company, Just In Case Direct, carries them in our product lineup. You can select from the following two offerings:

Four Seasons Condom & Lubricant comes in an attractive tin and in a carton of 50. The tin is attractive enough for a guest to take to another location if necessary. It does cost a bit more but will appeal to those guests who are a bit discerning about the products that they purchase from your minibar.

Just In Case Action Pack comes in a carton of 100 and is in a decorative box. If you are on a strict budget with your minibar, supplies this choice will appeal to you since it is less expensive than the Four Seasons one is for minibars.

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